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  • joseformiga

Measuring land changes with AI

Land Cover Classification in Google Earth Engine is a potent tool for promoting sustainability. It allows us to monitor changes in land use and land cover patterns, which is crucial for effective environmental management. By identifying shifts in vegetation, urbanisation, and water bodies, this technology empowers us to address pressing sustainability concerns such as habitat loss, water resource management, and climate change impacts.

Fig. 1 is a Landsat satellite image 2021

Fig. 2 model classification 2021

Color legend

- Water, # deep sky blue - Trees, # forest green - Grass, # pistachio - Flooded Vegetation, mint green - Crops, #sunshine yellow - Scrub/Shrub, # pale tan - Built Area, # cherry red - Bare Ground, # off-white - Snow/Ice, # baby blue - Clouds, # silver

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